Yes! We meet at all the ship piers. When you book, you will advise us of your ship name and then we know which pier to pick you up at based on the ship schedule. There are 3 piers in Skagway and you will meet at YOUR ship pier. Please don’t walk to a different pier. We meet 10-15 minutes prior to your departure time. Just look for our representative holding a Skagway Float Tours sign to find us!
In general, you meet where ship booked tours meet as well at your pier. You will see people holding tour signs and you will look for our representative holding the sign, Skagway Float Tours.
More specifically, For Broadway (BRD) and Ore (ORE) dock, meet off the pier where the dock meets land just outside the security gate next to a large parking area. For the Railroad dock, there are two docking positions. For ships tendering to the small boat harbor (RRF position), walk up the ramp after disembarking the tender and look for our representative. If you are taking a shuttle bus off the pier from your ship (RRA position), once you get off the shuttle bus look for our representative. If you would like to see where your ship will be docking, see this link
We also have a town pickup option available at our Golden North hotel building office location at 3rd and Broadway. The ship pier is our default pickup location so if you want to meet at our office we just ask that you check in there minimum 20 minutes prior to the meeting time to let us know you won’t be at the ship pier location.